Ukraine Must Pay Germany Back For Damage From Nord Stream Bombing: Bundestag Lawmaker 2 miesięcy temu
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Ukraine Must Pay Germany Back For Damage From Nord Stream Bombing: Bundestag Lawmaker

We previously highlighted that the recent „bombshell” WSJ Nord Stream report is yet another major attempt by mainstream gatekeepers to radically shift the narrative over the Nord Stream sabotage, and to put official distance between President Zelensky and his supposedly 'rogue’ top general at the time who 'oversaw’ the covert op. Still, the following is now crystal clear and fully established at this point, as even mainstream media now fully admits: Yes, Ukraine did it. No, Russia did not do it. And yes it had the involvement or at least foreknowledge of the CIA.

We further pointed out that this sudden U-turn in the narrative was meant to soften the blow from Germany’s decision to finally cut off Ukraine’s – and Zelensky’s – unprecedented grift. Already and to be expected, some German lawmakers are pissed at being so obviously used and abused by Kiev. After all the NS2 pipeline had been a years-long, multi-billion dollar Russia to Germany natural gas vital infrastructure project which cost $11 billion to build.

In the wake of the latest revelations, member of the German Bundestag, co-chair of the Alternative for Germany (AfD) party Alice Weidel has been among the loudest Berlin officials in denouncing Kiev. She is calling for Ukraine to compensate Germany for the damage caused to its economy as a result of the September 26, 2022 underwater bombings.

German rightwing populist politician Alice Weidel, Getty Images

Here’s what she posted to X on Friday in the wake of WSJ’s reporting and the latest disclosures surrounding the 'mystery’ sabotage (according to machine translation from the German):

The economic damage to our country caused by the demolition of Nordstream presumably ordered by Zelensky – and not Putin as we were led to believe – should be „billed” to Ukraine.

Any „aid payments” that burden the German taxpayer should be stopped.

The firebrand and populist conservative politician is essentially telling Ukraine at this point: ’you bombed it, you pay for it and stop taking advantage of our taxpaying citizenry.’ Or in other words, the gravy train has ended as the truth comes out.

Der wirtschaftliche Schaden für unser Land, der durch die mutmaßlich von #Selenskyj – und nicht etwa #Putin, wie man uns weismachen wollte – angeordnete Sprengung von #Nordstream entstanden ist, sollte der #Ukraine „in Rechnung” gestellt werden. Jegliche den deutschen…

— Alice Weidel (@Alice_Weidel) August 16, 2024

Berlin-Kiev relations have further strained as the German Prosecutor General’s Office also lately issued an arrest warrant for a Ukrainian citizen suspected of involvement in the pipeline sabotage plot. The suspect is also described as having at least two accomplices, identified as experienced divers who directly assisted in installing explosive devices to the pipelines.

All of this is indeed having swift effect, given soon after news of the arrest warrant was made public, a Saturday report in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ) said that the German government will stop new military aid to Ukraine as part of the ruling coalition’s plan to reduce spending. The report, which cited non-public documents and emails as well as discussions with unnamed sources, goes on to note that the moratorium on new assistance – which is already in effect – will affect new requests for funding, not previously approved aid.

Berlin, which is Europe’s main supplier of military aid to Kyiv, had previously signaled a change in course on Ukraine last month, when the governing coalition of the Social Democrats, the Greens and the Liberals adopted a preliminary deal on a draft budget for 2025. The compromise detailed plans to slash future assistance to Ukraine by half to €4 billion to fulfill other spending priorities. And, it now appears, that even this token amount could be cut to zero.

It will also be interesting to see how much traction Alice Weidel’s enough is enough messaging and calls for getting German public funds back from Ukraine will have among the German populace. Likely it will resonate strongly after well over a year of 'war fatigue’ and as tensions could escalate into nuclear-armed showdown between Russia and NATO.

Longtime investigative journalist Seymour Hersh says alternative NS2 sabotage theories in NYT and German press were 'concocted’ by CIA….

And likely the last shoe has still yet to drop on the still unraveling Nord Stream sabotage narrative. Legendary US investigative journalist Seymour Hersh predicted all of this 'official narrative manipulation’ months ago.

Tyler Durden
Mon, 08/19/2024 – 04:15

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